Casual Outdoor Outfits / Down Vest
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[Product Description]
Fit: SD Girls & Boys / SD13 Girls / SDGr Girls / DDS (SS-S-M-L Bust) / DDS Boys / DD (SS-S-M-L Bust) / DD Boys
Includes: Down Vest, Shirt, Skirt
Model: DDS DDH-11 (M Bust)
Animetic Eyes: 22mm / Q Type / Bright Blue (Ruri)
[Important Notes]
- Doll, wig, etc are not included.
- Depending on the design, disassembly may be required to put on some of the outfits.
- Please be careful as the color of the outfit may stain the surface of the doll.
- The item pictured is a sample. Please understand the items included may change and the actual product may vary.
- The outfit contains very delicate sewn areas. Rough treatment is liable to cause damage, so please take care when handling the outfit.
- This item is limited in quantity. Once this item is sold out, it may not be restocked again.
- Depending on the design of the clothing, the older, "first edition" SD Girl model may not be able to wear certain outfits.