ZOUKEI-MURA Concept Note No. VI Raiden
The Raiden kit, the actual plane, and the very essence of SWS are all captured in this single magnificent volume!
The Zoukei-mura team researched on the actual plane in the "Planes of fame" in Chino, USA! The internal structure was shown for the first time in the world when Mr. Maloney, who has acquired this plane, opened the panels during the restoration.
The Zoukei-mura has reproduced the details of the internal structure as the SWS. Here is "the true Raiden" completed!!
Moreover, the Zoukei-mura suggests you another way to enjoy the Raiden. The modelers, who come to Volks Showrooms and might make professional modelers to shame, competed their skills in the Concept Note.
Size: AB (25.8cm x 21.2cm), Full color
Pages: 104 pages
Language: Japanese & English (Some parts are only in Japanese)
*The item pictured is a sample. Please understand the items included may change and the actual product may vary.